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My Memory Beads

We've been in your shoes.


And just like you we've experience life changing events, that we somehow wanted to find a way to encase; into something tangible . Something to hold on to and in some cases something we could pass on. 


Sometimes, in the chaos and excitement of these amazing moments we get caught up in the energy and get lost.

And often, after these storms have passed we are left regretting not having saved or prepared something beforehand. 


This is how My Memory Beads officially came to be, I had to find a way to work through my own grief, by helping others.

With over 20 years of crafting  memorial keepsakes in resin jewellery (at first just for family,  friends and word of mouth),

 I decided to make this service available for anyone who needs it with the gentle coaxing of close family and friends.


My Memory Beads continues to be here for those needing to fight through grief; those wanting to wear their vows and promises; mothers who want tokens of their love and protection to be passed on, and so much more. 


We are dedicated to providing you the ability to encase precious memories into wearable art, so that you may tap into them whenever you need to. We hope Your Memory Beads & Keepsakes bring you comfort, hope, and joy

- just as our keepsakes have for us. 


With Love & Light,

My Memory Beads TEAM

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